Our turbot as a whole ...

Focus on the product: Elkano

I love fish and I love to grill: So Restaurante Elkano had been on my list for quite a long time. So a visit to the wonderful basque country led me to Getaria. ...

Onsen egg with hamachi, okra and spring onions

Swedish sushi art at Sushi Sho

I really love sushi. Since the selection in Vienna is quite limited, I am looking for good sushi shops basically everywhere I travel. Which leads to the quite o...

Potato & Pumpkin


In the begining (almost in the ides…so to say) of march a new restaurant opened in a rather uncool corner of Vienna’s sixth district: aend. It was s...

Partly seared tuna belly | Sardine with Lardo | Partly seared turbot Nigiri

Japan in Madrid: Kabuki

It has become a passion of mine to look for good Japanese restaurants – whereever I go. So it seemed logical to look out for the same in Madrid too. Espec...